Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018


Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018

Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018

Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018

Original price was: $2,600.00.Current price is: $198.00.

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Original price was: $2,600.00.Current price is: $198.00.

Twelve one hour sessions over the phone, webcast or webcall where I will teach you everything you need to know to be confident in your abilities as a Medical Intuitive. Plenty of time to get all your questions answered. All classes are recorded and downloadable to hear anytime .

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Stacey Mayo - Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018

Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018

Get Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018 at the Course Farm

Are you interested in becoming a Medical Intuitive AND learning how to do Medical Intuitive Reading and Healing Sessions for self and/or others and do it accurately?

Master level medical intuitive, Stacey Mayo, teaches people the Sentelligent method. This means you will be able to tap in and uncover the core issues causing any kind of illness.

This includes beliefs, fears, nutritional deficiencies, chakra imbalances, spinal adjustments, past life issues, and other core issues that need to be remedied to restore a person’s health on all levels. When the body is back in balance emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally and on the soul level, then their body can heal itself.

I open you up to your intuitive gifts and teach you how to do intuitive work via a high level connection to Source.

You will now learn how to do full medical intuitive reading and healing sessions with ease, similar to the way Stacey Mayo does them.

This is the only training program that attunes you to be able to access information about the ego.  This is extremely important because for some people, most chronic health issues are unhealed in the ego.

Stacey will attune you and teach you how to be one of the most accurate medical intuitives in the world!

NEW! Stacey will provide updated information, never taught before based on her higher level connection to Source.

Here’s what’s included:

Twelve one hour sessions over the phone, webcast or webcall where I will teach you everything you need to know to be confident in your abilities as a Medical Intuitive. Plenty of time to get all your questions answered. All classes are recorded and downloadable to hear anytime .
Case studies
Practice time to apply what you have learned.
A buddy to support you and practice with
Suggestions for pricing and marketing your services so you can start to make money as soon as the course is complete
Feedback from Stacey in class on what is underneath your own health challenges and how to remedy them (Bonus worth up to $1500)
All forms and templates needed including an updated Medical Intuitive Scan.
Source will clear blocks in the way of you receiving accurate information throughout the program. (Value up to $900)
Custom Medical Intuitive Attunement to attune and align you with being the Medical Intuitive you desire to be. (Value: $597)
You will be also attuned to safely access a very high level of Source information for your clients and others as well as yourself. (Value $597)
NEW ATTUNEMENTS: You will be also attuned the level of the most accurate medical intuitives in the world.
(Value $1500)

Agenda for Medical Intuitive Program

Topic 1: Language

  • Learn how to determine the cause of symptoms by listening to the words your clients use.
  • Learn how to determine the cause of diseases by listening to the name of the disease.
  • Learn how to determine the cause of organ health issues by the name of the organ.
  • We will apply this skill to live case studies during class.

Topic 2: Beliefs

  • Learn how to accurately access the beliefs connected to and causing a health symptom or condition.
  • Learn how to accurately access whether the cause of a health symptom or condition is from past lives, their ancestral line or a current issue or a combination of these.
  • Learn to accurately access the core cause of theirhealth issues.
  • We will apply this skill to live case studies during class.

Topic 3: Nutrition

  • Learn how to access accurate information regarding nutritional deficiencies.
  • Learn how to access accurate information regarding supplements, cleanses and products your client is currently taking and if it is right for them.
  • Learn how to access accurate information about food sensitivities and allergies, the cause of them and what is needed to heal them.
  • Learn how to save your clients money on supplements.
  • We will apply this skill to live case studies during class.

Topic 4: Organs and Systems

  • Learn to access accurate information about the health of a client’s organs and systems.
  • Learn to access accurate information about the strength of a client’s organs and systems.
  • Learn what is causing the health issues for a client’s organs and/or systems.
  • Learn what is needed to heal and strengthen a client’s organs and systems.
  • We will apply this skill to live case studies during class.

Topic 5: Medical Intuitive Scans

  • Learn what is included in a full medical intuitive scan.
  • Receive a template for doing full medical intuitive scans.
  • Learn how to accurately do a full medical intuitive scan and healing session.
  • We will apply this skill to live case studies during class.

Topic 6: Medical Intuitive Scans Part 2

  • Learn how to do medical intuitive scans/readings on more complex cases.
  • Apply information learned to live case studies.
  • Get your questions answered in this class and in every class about anything related to medical intuitive readings/scans.

Optional: Learn to Heal Using Stacey’s Grace Healing Method (can be added on after program starts):

  • Learn Stacey’s Master Level Healing Method called “Grace”. This can be used effectively from a distance or hands-on.

Optional: Become Certified (can be added on after program starts):

  • You will need to complete all assignments to become certified.  You will have extra time to do this if not done by end of the program. The cost of this will be $50 and you will have an opportunity to decide if you want to do this at the end of the training program.

EARLY BIRD BONUS 1: Only Time This Will Be Offered For Free


(Value $1000)With this new special bonus, you will have a knowing of how people are doing that you want to follow up on without a session such as family, loved ones, pets, clients and also for yourself.

You will be able to set it up to have recurring scans done for any person(s) and/or animals. These can be set up at whatever recurring interval(s) you desire: daily, weekly, monthly, or any time frame. You can change the time frame when/if desired.

Each time a recurring scan is done, you will have a knowing of the results. It will be like an intuitive hit. (Not a visual or a voice).

Get Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018 at the Course Farm

EARLY BIRD BONUS 2: Only Time This Will Be Offered For Free


(Value $1000)You will receive special attunements to have Source create custom healing treatments to help people and animals heal without alternative or traditional medical treatments including chemo and radiation.

These typically help a person heal much faster.

These treatments will only be sent if needed and if the client is aligned with receiving it without side effects. Source will clear the person or animal of any blocks to receiving it energetically without side effects.

Oftentimes, a person does not absorb the medicines needed when they are in physical form and/or they have a fear of medicines and possible side effects.

Examples of custom healing treatments that might be sent if right for the client or self are:

Cancer treatments such as energetic radiation or chemo, OTC drugs and energy of traditional medicines for thyroid problems, ulcers, heart disease, or any disease or condition that the patient needs.

You can also send treatments for for any issue such as money, relationships, job, et al. These are created by Source and custom for each individual.

You can also send energy of herbs, homeopathics, flower essences, CBD oil, crystals, essential oils, ayurvedic medicine,
acupuncture and other alternative remedies.*

Treatments may be sent for health issues on any level including emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.

*Some of my other healing packages include energy of herbs, supplements, and other alternative treatments. This special attunement allows to do offer more options than any other healing modality known.

No other healing program offers energy of chemo, radiation, or other traditional medicine.



You will receive $50 off the regular price of sessions with Stacey that you schedule and receive during this 6 month training program.

This includes 1/2 hour healing sessions and any type of intuitive reading listed on her website.

Just let Stacey know you want to schedule a session and she will arrange for you to do this at the special price.


MASTER LEVEL CONFIDENCE ACTIVATIONS!These proprietary custom activations will build your confidence in your ability to be successful as a Medical Intuitive. They will help in areas such as confidence in your ability to do the work accurately, to help people significantly, and to earn a good income from being a medical intuitve.

They are customized for each person and will help you in areas that your particularly need (conscious and subconscious).

They will bring our your innate confidence and lead you to situations, things and people that increase your confidence as well.

They build over time and are extremely effective, yet gentle.

These activations will be sent to you starting when you register for the program and will continue through completion of the training program.


CLEAR YOUR FEARS OF BEING A MEDICAL INTUITIVE AUDIO!Stacey created a new healing modality specifically to heal peoples’ fears of being a Medical Intuitive.

This new modality heals these fears more effectively and faster than ever. Listening to the audio helps you heal these issues faster than distance healing by itself.


This is Master Healer Attunement that will bring out your hidden talents and Master Level Healing abilities. If you are already a master level healer, this will take your healing abilities to new levels.

You have hidden gifts that want to be used. This attunement will bring them out in divine ways: with no attachment to the past. They will be perfect for this day and time.
Bonus #5:

How to Build and Market Your Medical Intuitive Business to Make a Great Income!
(retail $397)

In this bonus class, I will teach you 7 Sentelligent steps to building and marketing your medical intuitive business.

This includes:

  • How to become known as an expert in your field.
  • How to reach people who are interested in your work
  • How to fill your practice with the amount of clients you desire.
  • How to talk to prospective clients
  • How to let go of perfection issues.
  • How to overcome your doubts.

Get Stacey Mayo – Medical Intuitive Training Program 2018 at the Course Farm


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